School Regulations
- When enrolling, students are required to fill out the registration form to facilitate with contact and follow-up.
- Tuition fees (if any) are paid in full before the course commencement date. The School will not refund the deposit and tuition fee.
- Be on-time and maintain punctuality according to schedule.
- Students must wear uniforms when entering class.
- Student signatures are required on the Attendance List at the beginning and end of class.
- Student absence must be reported directly to the School at 0919 917 499.
- Students will pay learning materials fee and equipment or uniform …. once before enrolling and will be responsible to look after them during their studies. The School will not be responsible for any losses.
- Student have to put mobile phone, bag …. in school locker during study time.
- If any damages or loss occurred locker, compensation payments are required according to the School regulations.
- If the student has a need to purchase additional textbooks or learning tools, they are required to contact the training department or teacher.
- Students must prepare their own learning tools (allocated) for each class.
- Students are obligated to clean up their practice area before leaving (tray, cup, towel, trolley, machine, massage oil, other tools, etc.). If fail to obligated, diligence score will be deducted.
- All electricity in the room must be switched off before leaving. Use of electricity and water in the School for personal purposes is prohibited.
- Under no conditions, a student is permitted to bring a phone and other unnecessary objects to class. If confiscated, it will not be returned.
- It is forbidden to film, take photos, and record in the classroom under any circumstances. If the student deliberately violates the school rules, the students will be suspend for 3 months.
- Preserving the company and class assets. If damaged, one must compensate according to the School regulations.
- Students must prepare their own learning tools (allocated) for each class.
- For lunch break, students can use the dining room at the School. It is mandatory to keep things clean and tidy. Students are allowed to take lunch breaks in the classroom (following the teacher instruction) from 12:00 to 13:00. Do not use A/C, fan only.
- Students wishing to stay for the rehearsal will be assigned a room by the School (when there is an empty room) and can only use a fan. Do not use the air conditioner and it is absolute to following the school regulations.
- Respect teachers. Solidarity and mutual support in learning.
- The company is entitled to use the student's image for marketing and brand promotion purposes.
- The school has the right to change teachers during the course of study to ensure the quality of teaching and learning for students.
- Students must not disrupt the class during class time. If violating, the teacher is entitled to handle and ask the student to leave the class.
- Students cram for the exam that are absent must have an application form and the number of days must not exceed 10% of the total number of learning days. Who miss more than the prescribed number of hours (more than 10% of class attendance) will unable to register for Examination and will pay for all fees incurred. Students must pay the fee to retake the missed attendance sessions.
- Students who miss over 50 minutes for each class will be marked as absent.
- After completing the course, students who do not meet the criteria to be granted a degree will be supported by the school to re-exam provided that they ensure the study time and do not violate the study rules the first time. Students who are supported to re-exam the course but still do not meet the goal of granting the degree will have to pay the tuition fee to repeat the whole course.
- Keep the silence. No noise disturbances or interruptions in class.
- Teachers are entitled to ask students to leave the classroom if they violate the rules and regulations.
- Students are responsible for the parking fees (if any).

Time: 14:00 to 16:00 every Saturday.

Students must submit all required documents and ensure that they have sufficient test scores in accordance with article 6 of this regulation in order to be granted a degree.

In order to earn a degree or certificate for each course, students must achieve six (06) points for each of the following: diligence, practice and theory.

Diligence scores are to be assessed based on the spirit of learning, attitude and respect for teachers, compliance with classroom rules, and assurance of attendance sessions.

Students that are absent without permission for more than 10% of the total class sessions will be required to retake the number of sessions missed in order to be allowed to take the exam and must pay a fee of VND 500,000/session.

The degree will be kept at the office within 90 days after the school sends an announce to students through the following ways: zalo, email, and study group of the school …. After that time, students who want to receive the degree must pay fees for managing and storing the degree.

If students want to issue more copies, please submit a form for the amount want to issue and pay the fee he office : 100.000 vnđ / certificate.