1. Introduction
Vo Dung Beauty & Spa International Academy is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in the delivery of its qualifications and courses. To support this commitment, the academy has developed this policy to outline procedures for identifying, managing, and addressing any cases of malpractice or maladministration. These policies apply to all staff, students, and anyone involved in the assessment or delivery of qualifications at Vo Dung Beauty & Spa International Academy.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Define what constitutes malpractice and maladministration.
- Outline the responsibilities of staff and students in preventing, identifying, and reporting malpractice or maladministration.
- Provide clear procedures for investigating and dealing with allegations of malpractice or maladministration.
- Ensure that all cases are handled fairly, consistently, and in accordance with relevant regulations.
3. Scope
This policy applies to:
- All students enrolled in courses at Vo Dung Beauty & Spa International Academy.
- All staff, including administrative staff, assessors, tutors, and external contractors.
- Any individuals or third parties involved in the delivery or assessment of qualifications at the academy.
4. Definitions
4.1 Malpractice
Malpractice refers to any deliberate action, neglect, default, or other practices that compromise the integrity, fairness, or accuracy of the academy’s assessment and examination processes. This includes:
- Cheating, plagiarism, or collusion by students.
- Falsification of assessment records or documentation.
- Unauthorised amendments to assessment materials or results.
- Impersonation or false representation of identity.
- Unethical conduct by staff in the assessment, teaching, or management of qualifications.
4.2 Maladministration
Maladministration refers to any action or inaction that results in a failure to adhere to required policies, procedures, and regulations in the delivery or assessment of qualifications. This includes:
- Inaccurate or incomplete record-keeping.
- Mismanagement of assessment materials or examination papers.
- Poor administration of learner records or certificates.
- Failure to adhere to the academy’s internal policies, procedures, or external regulations.
5. Responsibilities
5.1 Academy Management
- Ensure that all staff and students are aware of and adhere to this policy.
- Provide training to staff to prevent malpractice and maladministration.
- Investigate all reported cases of malpractice or maladministration thoroughly and fairly.
- Take appropriate disciplinary action against those involved in proven cases of malpractice or maladministration.
- Follow all academy procedures to maintain the integrity of assessments and examinations.
- Report any suspected malpractice or maladministration immediately.
- Support students in understanding what constitutes malpractice and how to avoid it.
5.3 Students
- Submit their own work and avoid any form of cheating, plagiarism, or collusion.
- Report any malpractice they witness or become aware of.
- Follow all academy rules and regulations during assessments and examinations.
6. Identification and Prevention
6.1 Identifying Malpractice
Staff and students are expected to be vigilant in identifying potential malpractice, which may include but is not limited to:
- Similar or identical wording in student submissions that suggests plagiarism.
- Unauthorised use of materials during assessments.
- Students attempting to influence assessors unfairly.
6.2 Identifying Maladministration
Signs of maladministration may include:
- Inaccurate or missing learner records.
- Delayed or incorrect certification of learners.
- Failure to follow established administrative processes or timelines.
6.3 Preventive Measures
- Staff training on integrity in assessments and adherence to regulations.
- Use of plagiarism detection tools to assess student submissions.
- Regular audits of administrative processes and learner records.
7. Reporting Malpractice and Maladministration
7.1 Reporting by Students
- Students who suspect or are aware of any form of malpractice or maladministration should report the incident to their tutor or the academy’s administration team.
- The report should include as much detail as possible, including the nature of the incident, individuals involved, and any evidence available.
7.2 Reporting by Staff
- Staff must report any suspicion of malpractice or maladministration to the Academy Director or the Compliance Officer.
- Reports should be submitted in writing and should include a description of the issue, any relevant documentation, and details of any individuals involved.
8. Investigations
8.1 Investigation Procedure
- Upon receiving a report of malpractice or maladministration, the academy will appoint an investigation panel.
- The panel will conduct a thorough investigation, gathering evidence, interviewing relevant parties, and reviewing all documentation.
- All investigations will be carried out in a confidential, fair, and unbiased manner.
8.2 Timescale for Investigations
- Investigations will typically be completed within 20 working days. However, the timescale may be extended if necessary, and all involved parties will be informed of any delays.
8.3 Possible Outcomes
Following the investigation, the panel will issue a report with one of the following outcomes:
- No Case to Answer: If there is no sufficient evidence, no further action will be taken.
- Case of Malpractice/Maladministration Proven: Appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken, including possible withdrawal from the course for students or dismissal for staff.
- Inconclusive Evidence: Where evidence is inconclusive, the case may be reviewed further, or no further action may be taken depending on the severity of the situation.
9. Sanctions
9.1 Student Sanctions
If malpractice is proven, students may face:
- Reprimand or formal warning.
- Disqualification from assessments or examinations.
- Removal from the course and cancellation of certification.
9.2 Staff Sanctions
If staff are found guilty of malpractice or maladministration, they may face:
- Formal warnings.
- Suspension or termination of employment.
- Referral to relevant professional bodies, if applicable.
10. Appeals Process
Individuals who are dissatisfied with the outcome of an investigation may appeal the decision. Appeals must be submitted in writing within 10 working days of receiving the decision. The appeal will be reviewed by a separate panel, and a final decision will be made.
11. Monitoring and Review
The effectiveness of this policy will be monitored regularly, and any necessary adjustments will be made to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements. This policy will be reviewed annually or when necessary due to changes in regulations.
Director Vo Dung Beauty & Spa International Academy
Next Review Date: